Sunday, December 9, 2007

film progress report

I thought that I should write something about the progress of my film and how it's coming along. Finished the boards and workbook some time ago. I've almost finished all layouts, except the larger ones where i need 16 field paper, started to animate a short scene on my film along with thumbnailing out a few more. hopefully i can get quite a few scenes thumbnailed out while i'm at home for the break. I'm really excited about doing the bg painting over the break. I'm going to do a watercolor wash using payne's gray. also a bit nervous since i have never really done washes before. i'll post my first test bg as soon as i finish it. been trying to figure out different ways of cutting down on animation time. as of right now i'm thinking of doing the whole flashback on 8's or 12's. keep it really limited. have another where the only part that is animated is the face. found someone who is willing to take on a few scenes as well. we'll see how it all turns out. i'll try to keep you all posted on how everything is coming along, and if anyone's got advice on how to actually finish a film on time i gladly accept all of it. hope everyone has a good holiday.

this is the only surviving drawing from this weeks class. the rest died in a program failure.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

minangery of vis dev from my film

Thursday, November 29, 2007

figure drawing 11/29 dump

did these in class today. I really like the top 2.


various days throughout the semester

figure drawing 11/1 dump

figure drawing 10/25 and 9/27 dump

Drawings from class.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

so i haven't posted for some time. thought i'd post some drawings from lou's figure class. i'll post some more work later on.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

figure drawing

Just did this one in class. 20 min.

Monday, October 8, 2007


So I got a diviant art account and I wanted to make an ID for it. I was just playing around with some doodles and liked this one so I decided to use it. I hope it looks something like me even if somewhat idealized.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

We got our animation senior studios about 2 weeks ago and it's really interesting to see each persons personality in their spots.








me during capstone

This is what happens when I am set free during capstone week.

normal everyday

capstone during the daylight hours

all hell breaks out during the night

and when it's time to go home

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

old stuff

just a page of comps i did. some are trying to remember others works and some are of my own. i like the kid, but need some kind of story for him. there's also some quick animal sketches and a page of real quick gesture studies of tennis players.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

figure drawing

here's some work from today's figure drawing class. Nothing seemed to feel right when it came to drawing though. Went and saw the jungle Book at the El Capitan in hollywood this evening and it was stunning. By far the best restoration of any disney film yet.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

figure drawing

here's some figure work from lou's class today. it's a tablet class, so i'm getting use to that. also i'm trying to think more in terms of composition. times range from 3 min-20 min.

Monday, April 30, 2007