Untitled from Melissa Goodway on Vimeo.
Shot List
shot 1: Lucky Kat from luckykattv.com- character animation, built character rig
shot 2: Seagull - animation
shot 3: Walking figure - animation and design
shot 4: Walking figure - animation and design
shot 5: Lighthouse - responsible for all moving objects
shot 6: Sam - character animation, built character rig
shot 7: Vinny - character animation, built character rig
shot 8: Boo - character animation, built character rig
shot 9: Jet - character animation, built character rig
shot 10-13: Excerpt from short film "A Windy Day" - layout, bg painting, character animation
shot 14/15: Cat - layout and animation
shot 16: Child's Play - only the traditional animation